
The Fear of Coronavirus

In the current times, the world is under the serious threat of the Novel Coronavirus. We are all going through some really tough time due to this sudden outbreak of the new virus since 2019 December. There is a constant fear in our minds of getting infected by this virus. There are millions of people all over the globe already infected and fighting with the disease. It is a real threat to the existence of humankind. But does this mean that we have to live in this fear from now on? What is Coronavirus? A coronavirus is a group of deadly viruses that are commonly found inside animals. Then how did this get transmitted to the humans? The answer is still unknown to this question. But, yes, there are several assumptions regarding this issue. It seems that Coronavirus was first found in the Wuhan province of China. Certain studies assume that COVID-19 was transmitted from the seafood market of  Wuhan. Usually, Coronavirus is found in bats and pangolins according to some scie...

How Dreadful is the 2020 Pandemic?

The year 2020 seems to be a really hard time for the world as it has witnessed the ghastly effects of the novel coronavirus. It started from a small region in China. It gradually took a big shape over time by spreading rapidly among the people of other countries. Several people across the globe have suffered the impacts of the virus, and many are still suffering. Humanity seems to be under one of the biggest threats of all times. We are all aware of the present condition of the pandemic over the globe, but are we really aware of its intensity? What is Pandemic? Who thought that we will be the generation after decades to witness another pandemic? There were pandemics before, and the ones like the Spanish flu of 1918 and Ebola of 2014 can be compared to Covid-19 in terms of intensity. Do you wonder why these pandemics, and not the other epidemics are considered to be same? For that, we need to understand the term ‘pandemic’. Pandemic is a little different from the epidemic. L...

Statistics reports on COVID-19 testing and mortality

No country surely knows the total number of people infected with Coronavirus. We barely know the number of tested people. Those who have a laboratory-confirmed infection are counted as COVID-19 confirmed cases. It means the counts of confirmed cases depend on how much the tests are done in a country. If there is no testing then no exact data. Testing is the only window to detect the spread of the pandemic. Without data on the infected people, we cannot understand the pandemic. Without proper data, we cannot know which countries are doing well and which are just announcing affected cases and deaths. To construct any data on confirmed COVID-19 cases, we should know how much testing for the viral infection has been done by the country. Currently, 219,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and over 31,800 people deaths are reported in the United Kingdom. The actual number of cases is higher than the tested cases because the COVID-19 testing was limited to hospital patients, NHS and care ...